123 Go!

Welcome to the world of 123 GO!

If you‘re a teenager in need of a great role model, we‘ve got you. Believe it or not, we‘re just like you. We spotlight people you actually want to look up to – like your big sister‘s best friend or your favorite camp counselor – that‘s better than someone you barely know from your Insta feed. Does our voice sound familiar? That‘s because you already know us! Our videos feature guys and gals who have been through it all, just like you. Like a true buddy, we approach challenges with optimism and curiosity!


© The Soul Publishing. All rights reserved

  • Target audience: Pre-Teens 8 – 12 years | Teens 13+
  • 14 platforms: YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat, etc.
  • 19 languages
  • 35 Mio.+ subscribers on all YouTube channels
  • 123 Go! offers something not many channels do: AUTHENTICITY!
  • 123 Go! stays up to date with trends and grows with its audience!
  • 123 Go! can place all cooperation products directly in all videos and on all social media channels!

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81925 München

Telefon: +49 89 9250-1301
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E-Mail: brandlicensing@burda.com


Phone: +49 89 9250-1301
Fax: +49 89 9250-1304
E-Mail: brandlicensing@burda.com