GUTER RAT - The Independent consumer magazine

The decisions we have to make as consumers constantly grows more and more complex: From A for accident insurance to Z for zinc deficiency, from understanding an insurance policy to choosing a doctor. Confused consumers search for advice and direction. They often look for good, independent advice before making decisions. The qualified editorial staff at GUTER RAT organise the multitude of information, prioritise and evaluate it and then offer credible, comprehensible advice its readers can use – hence the name, which is German for ‘good advice’. And it comes in a depth that’s sufficient for most consumers.

  • 830.000 consumers rely on GUTER RAT for good advice every month
  • Provides reliable guidance and clear recommendations, thus creating a credible environment.
  • The independent advice of GUTER RAT assists consumers in making decisions regarding their purchase decision.

GUTER RAT is the magazine for consumers looking to find answers to questions on household products. The magazine is not for bargain bin shoppers, but for consumers who appreciate a strong price-performance ratio. These active consumers, around one million, purchase and read GUTER RAT. The ideal target audience for advertising your product close to the purchase process. GUTER RAT will place your product right in the middle of the decision-making process in our readers’ heads.

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81925 München

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Fax: +49 89 9250-1304